
Hi, Welcome to our Didaskalia International page! Our goal is to provide material, links and teachings for pastors and church leaders, so that they can use it in their teaching, preaching, counselling and evangelistic ministry.

The word is from the greek didaskalía, "teaching or instruction". << The Greek plural noun didaskaliai ("instructions") came to refer to records of dramatic performances, containing names of authors and dates, in the form of the original inscriptions or as later published by Alexandrian scholars.. 1 Timothy 4:13. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, preaching and to teaching (didaskalia).>>


What else?

Our first course is an interactive course on NT Greek. We will learn inductively through Scripture passages and will combine grammatical analysis with discourse and literary features of the text , with an aim towards application to concrete passages. A distinction will be made between exegesis and hermeneutics. Exegesis is the search for the meaning of the text in its original context (of ancient times) and hermeneutics (in the way we are using the term) is geared towards the application of the text in our own (modern) context. In order to do good hermeneutics, one has to learn the tools of the trade for proper exegesis.

Words from our instructor

Brothers and sisters, let us study the Word of God diligently. The Holy Spirit of God cannot be separated from Holy Scripture.
Marlon Winedt

Marlon Winedt

Pastor & Prof. Theology/Philoshophy at the Global University